Ventforet Yamanashi Sports Club INC. made a donation to the University of Yamanashi’s The COVID-19 Emergency Measures Fund./株式会社Ventforet山梨体育俱乐部向“188bet亚洲体育_188体育app-官网平台新型冠状病毒感染症紧急对策基金”捐款

09/10/2020 English

? Ventforet Yamanashi Sports Club Inc., the management company of Ventforet Kofu, a professional soccer club in Yamanashi Prefecture, has donated part of the proceeds from the sale of its original masks to the University of Yamanashi’s COVID-19 Emergency Measures Fund.
? The University of Yamanashi’s COVID-19 Emergency Measures Fund was established with the aim of providing medical supplies, including laboratory chemicals, to sustain and expand medical care for the COVID-19 at the University of Yamanashi Hospital.
? A donation ceremony was held on September 7, 2020 at the School of Medicine campus, and after a speech by Mr. Hiroshi Fujiwara, Representative Director and CEO of the company, President Shinji Shimada handed out a certificate of appreciation and expressed his gratitude after receiving the donation catalogue.
? Our hospital will continue to make effective use of this kindness and focus on providing medical care for the COVID-19.

Website of the COVID-19 Emergency Measures Fund:


新型冠状病毒感染症 紧急对策基金主页